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XR and Accessibility

Accessibility is a vital, foundational consideration in the development of immersive technology. Members of the XR Association embrace inclusive design so that all people, including those living with permanent, temporary, or situational disabilities, can realize the full potential of XR.

XR technology is growing and evolving rapidly, and the limits of the technology have yet to be reached. All aspects of the ecosystem, manufacturers, developers, users, and others, are working to maximize accessibility and inclusion for all users of XR technology. The concepts of inclusive and ergonomic design are helping to provide a strong, guiding principle for development. Both manufacturers and developers have a shared interest in and commitment to incorporating iterative practices and to working closely with people with disabilities to test out advancements at each stage of development. 

The Accessibility Working Group (AWG) meets monthly with key accessibility personnel at our member companies to promote accessibility in XR, develop devices and technology that are usable by persons with disabilities, and ensure that XR technology can be used by and enhance the lives of all people.

XRA’s Accessibility Working group brings together member company representatives focused on the responsible development and adoption of XR technologies by disabled communities. Whether you are involved in accessible product engineering, system design or serve as a product counsel, your expertise and knowledge are essential to the success of the AWG and its important work on behalf of the XR industry.

“Accessibility in XR means making XR environments, devices, and experiences usable and delightful for everyone, including those with disabilities, however they encounter it.” – XRA Accessibility Working Group

View the XRA Accessibility Team

Staff Leads

Stephanie Montgomery, Senior Vice President of Research & Best Practices, XRA
Peirce Clark, Senior Manager of Research & Best Practices, XRA

Accessibility Working Group Chair

Christopher Patnoe, EMEA Lead for Accessibility and Disability Inclusion, Google

Current members, learn more, or join XRA to get involved.