Tell Congress to Support the XR Industry

The XRAction Center supported by the XR Association provides a tool to communicate with your members of Congress about issues important to the XR industry.
Take XRAction: Encourage Congress to Pass and Fund the Bipartisan “Immersive Technology for the American Workforce Act”!
The “Immersive Technology for the American Workforce Act” (H.R.3211) will establish a grant program for community colleges and technical centers to develop workforce education and training programs using XR.
The XR Association worked closely with Representative Lisa Blunt Rochester (D-DE) and Representative Tim Walberg (R- MI) to introduce this legislation, which recognizes the critical role immersive technology can play in supporting workforce development across all sectors.
As a way forward, Reps. Blunt Rochester and Walberg have been urging their congressional colleagues to attach H.R.3211 to a larger bill: the “Stronger Workforce for America Act” (H.R.6655). H.R.6655 updates WIOA (the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act) to increase skills development, strengthen connections between employers and the workforce system, and put more Americans on the path to a successful career.
Encourage your representatives to advocate for this inclusion of the “Immersive Technology for the American Workforce Act of 2023” (H.R.3211) to the “Stronger Workforce for America Act” today!