Washington, D.C. – On Wednesday, April 17, 2024, the XR Association hosted its annual All-Member Meeting in Washington, D.C. This gathering of XRA member companies brought together key players in the immersive technology industry to share insights and chart the course for the future of immersive technology. This all-day event was hosted by XRA member company, King & Spalding, and kicked off with opening remarks by XRA’s CEO, Elizabeth Hyman.

The event opened with a panel discussion on the landscape of the upcoming elections hosted by Steve Elmendorf and Natalie Farr from Avoq, where members had the opportunities to ask questions and hear directly from policy experts working on the Hill. Aldo Badano from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Dylan Gilbert from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) also gave presentations for the full group focused on standards and research occuring in XR.
One of the highlights of the event was the dynamic breakout sessions, which provided a platform for focused discussions on privacy and XR medical device clearance. The Policy Committee breakout session featured a roundtable discussion hosted by Dylan Gibert and Michael Fagan from NIST. The Health and Inclusion Committee breakout session featured a presentation and workshop by Aldo Badano from the FDA, who delved into the FDA 510(k) clearance process and the different pathways for XR medical device clearance.

Following the engaging breakout sessions and insightful discussions, the day culminated in a memorable cocktail and dinner reception in the heart of Washington, D.C. at West Potomac Park. Adding to the festive atmosphere was the entertainment provided by the Washington Nationals’ racing presidents. From George Washington to Abraham Lincoln, the larger-than-life mascots delighted guests and brought a sense of whimsy and fun to wrap up the day.
Moreover, XRA’s All-Member Meeting provided a conducive environment for networking and collaboration among industry leaders, policymakers, and experts. By fostering meaningful connections and facilitating knowledge exchange, XRA’s annual All-Member Meeting catalyzed partnerships and synergies that are essential for driving the continued growth and development of the XR ecosystem.