The XR Association held a webinar with the National Institute for Standards & Technology (NIST) about their Extended Reality Community of Interest and the work they do in augmented (AR), mixed (MR), and virtual reality (VR) to support first responders.
On January 27 at 2:00 p.m. (ET), NIST and XRA discussed:
- A brief overview of the NIST Extended Reality (XR) Community of Interest (COI), including XR for human-robot interaction, XR for smart manufacturing and web-based XR.
- NIST PSCR’s work on XR for Public Safety
- Opportunities to work with NIST and apply for funding for XR-related projects
Our speakers included:
- Scott Ledgerwood, UIUX Lead, Public Safety Communication Research (PSCR) Division, NIST
- Sarah Hughes, Prize Challenge Specialist, Public Safety Communication Research (PSCR) Division, NIST
- Laura Chadwick, Senior Director, Industry Relations, XRA

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